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Here's what to expect . . .

Sunday Morning Service 9:00 AM

Sunday Morning Adult Sunday School Class 10:00 AM



Church service is held in the Sanctuary located on the second floor as you go up the steps on either side of the foyer after entering the front doors.  There is a lift chair to the left once inside the front doors for those who are unable to climb the steps. 


We welcome children and are so glad to have them join our worship service!  On your way up the right side of the stairs, you will find a coat rack marked "Children's Worship Bags". Please feel free to take one bag per child to enhance your worship time together.  These bags include sensory toys and quiet activities for the children.  After the service, please return the bag to the coat rack with all the content so children may enjoy the bags each week.


We offer a blended service utilizing the long-standing Methodist style of worship. The service includes a call to worship, responsive liturgy, prayer, scripture readings, and teaching from the Pastor.  Dress is casual.  We offer a complementary "Coffee Bar" that also offers  water and snacks.  Feel free to grab refreshments before and/or after church service.





We meet in the classroom right off Morris Hall at 10 AM.  As you enter the front doors, walk straight back to a room filled with tables and chairs.  This is Morris Hall.  The classroom is the first door to the right. 


Our class is made up of couples and singles of all ages. We have fun, study, pray, laugh, cry and praise God together.  With a discussion-oriented approach, scripture is studied and various topics that interest the group are talked over.  Sunday School is the perfect opportunity to meet and get to know small groups of McConnelsville UMC members and visitors.  We'd love to have you join us!  This class meets at 9 AM on Sunday morning. 



98 North Tenth Street, McConnelsville, Ohio 43756

Across from the local library and community park.

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